Webdeveloper - Hélder Pestana



Hélder Pestana is a programmer, oriented to web development, and also a high education professor at Polytechnic Institute of Tomar. Born on the island of Madeira/Portugal in 1978, since 1997 lives in Santarém/Portugal. From early on always shown a particular interest in electronic devices and software development, and also for the arts, particularly music. For more than a decade that he produces and participates as a freelancer or at development teams on Multimedia projects (over a hundred), some of them with national and international relevance.

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Professional career

  • Director of 3D Animation and Modelation Professional Course, at ESTA/IPT since Set. 2017
  • Managing Partner of Argumento Cruzado company since Feb 2016.
  • Currently works as a high school professor at Abrantes Technology High School, Polythenic Institute of Tomar (Portugal), since October 2006. Currently teaches subjects related with conception of aplications and contents for the web. 
  • Currently teaches "Web Databases" subject in the E-learning Masters Degree from New University of Lisbon, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities.
  • Collaborator at Research Center on Interactive Technologies from Nova University (Lisbon), participating as a web developer in projects like the Internal Affairs Ministry website, Foreigners and Frontiers Service TV website, Live Science Tv website and National Plan of Lectures website, among others.
  • From 2003 to 2006 he worked in Technology Information and Communication Department, where he was the main responsible for the development and maintenance of the Polythenic Institute of Tomar websites.
  • Collaborator of the ACIN Enterprise group, where he developed the "Dr.Parker" software, a parking management software, actually working at Ponta Delgada (Azores) and Ponta do Sol (Madeira) council, among other software’s for government websites.

Academic Career

  • Specialist Degree in "Information Technology and Comunication" since Oct 2017.
  • Master in "Information Studies and Digital Libraries" by the Higher Institute of Labour and Business (ISCTE), started in October 2005 and ended in 2010 with a grade of Very Good (pre-bologna), with the thesis "System Notifications Automatic Information Coming from Web sources through Messages Written to Mobile ".